27 Aralık 2005

Mukemmel yas - 2 (The Quiet American)

Boyle dusunmemde (bakiniz Mukemmel yas yazisi)The Quite American'in da etkisi buyuk. Bugun Philip Noyce The Quite American'ini tekrar izledim televizyonda. Imdb romanin 1958 yilinda da filme cekildigini soyluyor, sonunun zamanin politik atmosferi nedeyile degistirildigini ekleyerek. Fowler komunistlerin oyununa geliyor ve Pyle 'kadin meselesi' yuzunden olduruluyor. Bir nerd gibi davranip bu filmi izlemenin yollarini arasam mi acaba?

12 Aralık 2005

Mukemmel yas

"Sanki herkesin ozlem duydugu, mukemmel bir yas var gibi ve ancak o yasa eristiklerinde kendileriyle gercekten barisik olabiliyorlar" diyor Chris, Julian Barnes'in ilk romani Metroland'da, altmis beslik dinc bir ihtiyar olmaya ozlem duydugunu soyledikten hemen sonra. 'Belki de yasamini kazanma mucadelesini gogusleyemedigi' icin boyle dusundugu cevabini aliyor sonradan evlenecegi Marion'dan.

Chris'in henuz yirmi bir yasindayken, 34 yasindaki bir yazarin agzindan olsa da, bazen 65 yasinda olmak istedigini soylemesi hosuma gitmisti. Benim de dusundugum bir seydi zamaninda. Hala bazen dusunurum. Ama Marion'in yaniti, kliselere saygi gosterelim, agzimda buruk bir tat birakti.

11 Aralık 2005

Yeni dalga sinemasinin sorunlari

Bizzati Truffaut isaret ediyor bu sorunlara. Ben Adnan Benk'in Elestri yazilari'nda gordum:

1) Bir televizyon filmine benzemesi, dolayisiyla evinden cikip sinemaya giden seyirciye istedigini vermemesi.
2) Olaylari birbiriyle dugumleyip sonra da bu dugumleri cozmekten kacinmakla, bosuna ugrasilmis bir kisa film etkisi uyandirmasi.
3) Az bir parayla yapildigini,para istemeyen noktalarda, daha buyuk bir titizlik gostererek gizlemeye calismasi.

Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux

Godard'in bu filmi (Vivre sa vie, My life to live) insani film cekmeye tesvik ediyor. (Julian Barnes' in Flaubert'in papagani adli romaninin insani yazmaya tesvik etmesi gibi.) Basit, guzel ve 'cekilebilir' oldugu icin olabilir. Ben de yapabilirim hissayati. (Flaubert' in papagani icin gecerli degil bu ben de yapabilirim durumu. Ikisinin ortakligi, entellektuel gidiklama yoluyla, seyirciye/okuyucuya harekete gecme istegi vermesi. Tabii coktan tesne olanlar icin gecerli.)

Dikkat etmek gerekir ama. Kenan Evren'in ressamliga kalkismasi da benzer nedenlerden olabilir.

Ask nefret iliskisi

Konumuz ayni, Hollandali kendini begenmisligi. Kaynagimiz yine David Winner'in Hollanda futbolu uzerine yazdigi kitabi Brilliant Orange. Kitabin futbolu teget gectigi bolumlerden bir iki alinti daha:

"The art of being Dutch is to transform our vulnerability into moral superiority. We are small and we lack power, but we think the whole world will adopt us as a model of enlightenment" (Paul Scheffer - political scientist)

"Calvinism means that you have to be very humble, but in reaction, in transformation, you think you're the best. You become arrogant, bit that's not comfortable for you because arrogance is not deeply rooted in your character" (Anna Enquist, psychoanalysisist)

Ve son sozu Leo Beenhakker' a verelim. 'Hollandalilarin kendini begenmisligi uzerine':

"That's the way we are. I hate it. I hate it! But I love it. I love it! Because we are so special!"

Real Madrid ve Hollanda milli takimi arasindaki 77 fark

Soyleyen zamaninda Real Madrid'i, Ajax'i, Feyenoord'u, Hollanda milli takimini ve Istanbulspor'u calistirmis olan, Trinidad ve Tobago'yu 2006 dunya kupasina tasiyan Leo Beenhakker. Kaynagimiz ise David Winner'in Hollanda futbolunu anlattigi kitabi 'Brilliant Orange'.

"Every Dutchmen has an opinion about everything. When you go to an hotel woth Dutch, one player says ‘hey, it’s too big.’, and the other says ‘it’s too small’, ‘It’s too hot’, ‘it’s too cold.’, ‘It’s too…’ We are busy with everything, ev-er-y-thing! But when I went to a hotel with a Spanish team (Real Madrid) – and they’re all big starts, Hugo Sanchez,Butragueno, Gordillo, Michel, Camacho, Santillana, Juanito, great players- they came in and it’s : ‘ O.K., this is fine. Where is my room? O.K. Bye.’ They sit quietly and they don’t talk about bus,and the driver, and the driver’s wife… No! Come on! They think: ‘We are here to play football match. We play, and we kill them. And then we go home.’ That’s the difference.”

8 Kasım 2005

Now, here's the meaning of life. Thank you, Brigitte. M-hmm. Well, it's nothing very special.(Part 2)

Ne yapmamiz gerekiyormus bundan sonra, soyle ozetliyorlar Isvicreli bilimadamlari.

try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.

Now, here's the meaning of life. Thank you, Brigitte. M-hmm. Well, it's nothing very special.

Oscar Wilde ukalaliklari.

"A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he does not love her."

"Men marry because they are tired; women, because they are curious: both are disappointed."

"When a woman marries again it is because she detested her first husband. When a man marries again, it is because he adored his first wife. Women try their luck; men risk theirs."

"When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving one's self, and one always ends by deceiving others."

The ballad of the reading gaol ile taclandiralim:

yet each man kills the thing he loves
by each let this be heard,
some do it with a bitter look,
some with a flattering word,
the coward does it with a kiss,
the brave man with a sword!
some kill their love when they are young,
and some when they are old;
some strangle with the hands of lust,
some with the hands of gold:
the kindest use a knife, because
the dead so soon grow cold.
some love too little, some too long,
some sell, and others buy;
some do the deed with many tears,
and some without a sigh:
for each man kills the thing he loves,
yet each man does not die.

28 Ekim 2005

Mactan once son idman

Yalan Dunya Idman Yurdu macin oynanacagi stadta ogleden sonra yaptigi hafif idmanla calismalarini tamamlayarak mac saatini beklemeye basladi. Takimda sakat ve cezali oyuncu bulunmuyor.