11 Aralık 2005

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Konumuz ayni, Hollandali kendini begenmisligi. Kaynagimiz yine David Winner'in Hollanda futbolu uzerine yazdigi kitabi Brilliant Orange. Kitabin futbolu teget gectigi bolumlerden bir iki alinti daha:

"The art of being Dutch is to transform our vulnerability into moral superiority. We are small and we lack power, but we think the whole world will adopt us as a model of enlightenment" (Paul Scheffer - political scientist)

"Calvinism means that you have to be very humble, but in reaction, in transformation, you think you're the best. You become arrogant, bit that's not comfortable for you because arrogance is not deeply rooted in your character" (Anna Enquist, psychoanalysisist)

Ve son sozu Leo Beenhakker' a verelim. 'Hollandalilarin kendini begenmisligi uzerine':

"That's the way we are. I hate it. I hate it! But I love it. I love it! Because we are so special!"

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