10 Ekim 2006

Okuma parcasi - The Hollocore

Hollandali starchitect Rem Koolhaas'in mimarlik burosu AMO/OMA'nun dergi/kitabi Content'dendir alinti. Yazan Nanne de Ru, cevirmeyen ve kirpan tsirony.

Hollocore - Nanne de Ru

The HOLLOCORE © is emblematic of Europe’s new urbanity – the amorphous super-region that links Brussels, Amsterdam, and the Ruhr Valley is urban Europe’s non-event: it houses 32 million inhabitants or 9% of Europe’s population, yet has no city larger than one million inhabitants. Two thirds of its population lives in cities smaller than 200.000 inhabitants – in places no one has ever heard of.
The hollocore has had one of the highest concentrations of cities and towns in Europe since the middle ages. Despite explosive population growth during the industrial revolutions, the Hollocore is not dominated by a single center. Instead, it has swelled into a cloud of atomized sub-centers and peripheries. Every center claims its own identity, history, and centrality, while numerous peripheries offer space for new cultures and identities to unfold.

(…) In the name of identity, city centers are stripped down to their historic pedestrian shopping streets, and appear more village-like than ever – frozen in time that never was.


The Hollocore stretches across three countries with three legal systems and their cumulative loopholes, all combining to form the most progressive legislative ecology in the world. The Hollocore is a loophole culture: within its ambiguous borders, prostitution is legal and taxed, marijuana an official medicine, euthanasia legal, highways, in Germany, have no speed limit, and gay couples can marry. Conversely, the combined progressive politics seems to have created Europe’s ideological black hole. In the Hollocore, tolerance and freedom have become Janus-faced (1). Populist rhetorics of intolerance, as exemplified by murdered Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn have found a steadily growing audience. Freedoms blossom next to extensive corruption, whether it is the massive fraud within the Dutch Ahold concern, the alleged network of pedophile politicians surrounding serial killer Marc Dutroux in Belgium, or the large number of Al-Qaeda members residing through the region prior to 9-11. The Hollocore’s culture of tolerance balances on the verge of anarchy.

(1) Janus-faced kelimesini aciklamak bahanesi ile egitici oldugu kadar eglendirici de olan bir siteye de nazari dikkatinizi cekeyim. bu site: http://www.worldwidewords.org
bu da janus-faced' in anlami: http://www.worldwidewords.org/weirdwords/ww-jan1.htm

Yazi Hollocore bolgesi icin hazirlanmis bir TimeOut rehberi ile devam ediyor. Ozetle de merkezi idoloji eksikliginin nasil bir 'babylonian matrix of culture' yarattigini gosteriyor bu rehber. Bir cok alt kultur ornegi veriyor: araba klupleri (Passatfreunde 3B) , hardcore tekno kulturu (rotterdam merkezli tabii ki.), gotik partileri, military-gay organizasyonlari, 'animal liberation front'. bunlarin cesitliligi ve cokluguna dair imalarda bulunuyor ve yakinda, alt kulturun bu bolgede kalan tek kultur olacagini soyluyor. Ki bu listeye kanimca cocuk pornosu ve bestality'yi programlarinin merkezi yapan bir politik partiyi, fahiselik okulunu (Hollanda'nin guneyinde bir yerdeydi sanirsam. Turk medyasi gerekli ilgiyi gostermisti zamaninda.) da ekleyebiliriz.

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