18 Eylül 2009

Hobby land

Anton Corbijn neden Hollanda'dan ayrilip Ingiltere'ye yerlestigini anlatirken Hollanda'dan neden 'iyi' muzik cikmadigini/cikmayacagini da soylemis oluyor bana sorarsaniz.

In England it felt like art, photography and music was much more life or death, whereas in Holland it felt subsidised so that was why I left. When I photographed musicians in England in the 1970s I got so much more out of the pictures than photographing people in Holland because the whole intensity of being a musician in England -- trying to get out of those grey tower blocks and trying to make a name for yourself -- it really meant so much to those people, they really meant everything they were doing. In Holland it felt like music was a hobby. For me photography was also very important as a way of survival and I felt I was much more linked to the English spirit than the Dutch spirit. I think I was always and still am attracted to people who care very much about what they're doing and who involve themselves totally.

CNN Q&A http://edition.cnn.com/2006/TRAVEL/02/09/amsterdam.qa/

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